Kyiv City Notary District

The notary's certificate was issued by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

Notary Horburov Kirill Evgenovich

Agreement on the loan of funds

In accordance with Article 1046 of the Civil Code of Ukraine loan agreement the lender transfers the money to the borrower, and the borrower undertakes to return the same amount to the lender. Subjects of such an agreement can be any natural or legal persons.

Information that may be contained in the loan agreement (see sample): in what currency and in what form, cash or non-cash, is the loan granted, when the loan is granted, at the time of signing or after a certain time, in full or in parts, does the lender have the right to receive interest, the loan repayment period, liability for incomplete or untimely return of borrowed funds.

Notary Horburov Kirill Evgenovich

Honored lawyer of Ukraine

Kyiv, str. Pirohova 2 (University subway)

Order a loan agreement

Перелік необхідних документів для договору позики грошових коштів


  1. Passport.
  2. Registration number of the taxpayer's account card.
  3. Consent of the other spouse (if the funds transferred under the loan agreement are jointly owned by the spouses). If the other spouse will be present at the signing of the contract in person, he/she must bring his/her passport, registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and marriage certificate.


  1. Passport.
  2. Registration number of the taxpayer's account card.
  3. Consent of the other spouse (if the borrower is married at the time of certification of this contract). If the other spouse will be present at the signing of the contract in person, he/she must bring his/her passport, registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and marriage certificate.

Advantages of the notarization of the loan agreement

  1. The notary establishes legal capacity and legal capacity of the parties.
  2. The notary checks the absence of third-party rights to the subject of the contract, which in the future does not give a chance to declare the contract invalid (consent of the spouses, absence of restrictions and encumbrances on the property of the parties, absence of parties on sanction lists, absence of the lender in the Unified Register of Debtors, etc.).
  3. The valid will of the parties is established, which makes it impossible to declare the contract invalid.
  4. The notary public explains to the parties their rights and obligations, which makes it impossible to mislead one of the parties.
  5. The possibility of collecting the borrowed amount out of court by executing a notary's writ of execution.
  6. Possibility to get a duplicate of the loan agreement from a notary if it is lost.
  7. The borrower's right to repay the debt by depositing money in the notary's deposit.
  • to get an answer to the question, use the consultation of a notary

A sample loan agreement

  • attention, this is only a draft document, send a requestfor the notary to draw up a loan agreement

Notary Kyiv, Shevchenkivskyi district

St. Pyrogova, 2, University subway

Daily 08:00-20:00

Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich

Notary Horburov Kirill Evgenovich

Consultation of a notary

Call for a notary consultation

or submit a request online

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Location of the notary

Visitors: 469
Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich
Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich
Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich
Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich
Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich
Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich
Horburov Kirill Yevhenovich
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