Registration of an LLC (Limited Liability Company) in Ukraine is a process that requires compliance with a number of legal and notarial requirements. The involvement of a notary is an integral part of this process, as it not only helps to prepare the necessary documents, but also guarantees their compliance with current legislation.
Hiring a notary for LLC registration allows entrepreneurs to focus on business development, minimizing legal risks and ensuring compliance with all legal requirements. The notary not only helps with the preparation of documents, but also guarantees the legality of entering information into the UDR, which makes the process as transparent and reliable as possible.
LLC registration includes several main stages in which the notary plays a key role:
Preparation of documents: In order to create an LLC, it is necessary to draw up founding documents, including the charter, and also to determine the KVED (classification of types of economic activity).
Filling out the registration form: This procedure is carried out by a notary who enters data about the enterprise into the Unified State Register (USR). This ensures the official registration of your enterprise.
Data confirmation and fee payment: After checking the documents, the notary enters the information into the EDR, which officially starts the company registration process.
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